New Segment Ideas! I Want to Hear From You Guys

LuLuNews, parent family fashion

Hey Guys. How is everyone today? How did you guys take that upset that Tennesee put on Carolina today?  I’m no  football  fan because I don’t know whats going on at all. I glance at a game every now and then  while making my papa explain to me what’s going on.

Anyways, I want to get suggestions from you guys on blog post! I have an idea of where I want to go with LuLuChris58 from this month forward but I still would love to hear more ideas!  Heres a quick run down on some of the topic I want to persue.

1.) Pay it Forward

Not a new post but I still want to shout out other bloggers, sellers, YouTubers, etc.  I want to have subtopics for this category such as Beat Face Boos, YouTubers You Should Know and Small Business owner of the week!

2.) Mommy’s Corner

This segment has been a hit on my other blog. It’s a release for me and something that a lot of women over 25 can relate to. There will be four subcategories

The ex files and Love in general


-Male Eye Candy Over 25


3.) Broke Girl Diaries

This is a new segment that I started. Each week I will be tackling a beauty or fashion task for less. I will write about each experience no matter the outcome! I would also love if you guys wrote me and let me know which task you would like for me to try

4.) OOTD or OOTW

This segment I will need to work out the kinks of it but I want to start showing you guys my style and I would love to see yours!

5.) Monthly Favorites

This is self explanitory. I may start attaching a video to this segment. I’m not sure just yet.

6.) DIY

You guys know I love DIY’s but I never can seem to write a good tutorial post! Well I’m no quitter! I am going to try my hand at this again!

7.) Kid’s Items/ Kid’s Corner

We know that this is where the blog got it’s start. I don’t want to stray away from my blog’s orgin but I also want to branch out. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I will be doing all things for the kids under this topic.  I still will try to keep fly circle and the closet as topics too.

8.) Challenge

I want to start up my challenges again. This month’s challenge is 31 Letters to my future husband! This should be interesting.

9.) Reviews

I want to start reviewing things and giving my opinion on products! I use to wear weave a lot and shop with a lot of small business owners so I would love to share my experience with you guys. I will be posting my first review on a Tee I recieved from a fellow Etsy seller, ClothingHub as a Thank You gift.   I may start reviewing television shows as well. I’m not sure.

So guys please feel free to let me know what you would love to see from LuLuChris58 moving forward!  Do you guys feel I need to change anything? I love hearing from you all and I can’t wait to hear sugguestions.

Good News: So you guys know that I have the biggest celeb crush on Tyler Lepley! I just think that he’s an awesome guy with some great biceps! ( If you have not read up on him please do so. He is a very inspiring and humble guy! He retweets almost all of my craziness that I tweet at him)
Well I am happy to say that if you google Ty Lepley Stats, my blog is the first thing that pops up.  I am just estatic to be one of the many bloggers who has the pleasure of bringing information on this rising star to you guys. I have to say thank God  that I started to watch the Tyler Perry hit show “The Haves and Have Nots.”

LuLuTeaser:MC: Relationships After 25: Five Question’s Women Want To Ask Men


Hey Guys! How is every one tonight? I hope that you all are well. I hope that you all enjoyed my last post. If you didn’t read it I will link it here:


To read the rest of this post click here:

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Random Chat!

parent family fashion, random

Hey Guys! How is everyone? I hope that everyone is well? I am trying the outside blogging again! Looks like its about to rain.


So I think once it does, I’m heading back inside the house so that I can finish watching Southern Fried Homicide! Yes. I’ve never seen this show ever but it sounds interesting. Anything fried is great, anything southern is great so bam, lolx. Seriously, I love the ID channel, so this has to be a great show. Anyone that has watched this show comment below👇👇👇👇!

I just realized that if it rains, my allergies will calm down a lot! They just went haywire yesterday! I had to take some meds that had me all loopy and drowsy. I was knocked out by 10 pm.

So you guys have to let me know some things! First, what would you guys like for a giveaway prize! Yes I am stuck. I have no idea what to give away. Second I need blog topics for July in addition to what we already talk about on here. I want to hear from you guys, so be sure to comment on any of my social networks and let me know. You guys could just use them to say hey. Til next post ✌duces and 🙏truces!