MC: Life After 25: I Use To Be…

Mommy's Corner

Hey Guys! How is everyone today? I hope that everyone is doing great! So I was skimming through Facebook and I came across a JayZ post. I forgot that yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the the release of “The Black Album.”


Boy, the black album was supposed to have been Hov’s last album due to retirement. Well we all know that to be the biggest lie, lolx.  So anyways Jay asked his Facebook fans, what was their favorite memory from the that album. Of course I had to answer. With JayZ posting that post, he inspired me to post things that I use to be 10 years ago! I have changed a lot.

One of the things I use to be was a big hip hop head! I knew all of the music before it came out. I have my mama and longing urge to be the go-to girl for everything to thank for that. I used to be a BIG Hypebeast. Yes if Trinidad James had went to school with me, he definatley would point a finger this way. I used to be in love with a star football player from Woodmont. I have no idea where he’s at  now.  One of my bestfriend was Whitney Chapman. Hey Whitney!!! I still say that we are friends, I just don’t see much of her now. I think if high school had never ended, we probaly still would be besties.


I couldn’t drive. Yes, I still can’t drive, lolx but it was a lot worse then. I worked like a dog. I loved money and clothes so I threw away 90% of my teenage years to be an adult. Word to the wise, teenagers don’t grow up too fast. Enjoy your youth no matter how bad you think it is. I use to have the biggest crush on Jim Jones. Hey the man is hot, what can I say???  I wasn’t as carefree as I should have been. I was 17, not 27. I use to plan everything! Of course, plans fell through but I was determined to get something right.


27 year old Courtney wants to tell 17 and 18  year old Courtney these things:

1.)You will not marry Brandon Johnson. He liked you but he loves that girl that will have the baby with. Always did. Stop trying to fight Carrie and everyother girl that he dates. He will not be in NFL but later on in life you will date an NFL player. Ok he will ride the bench but he was on the roster. He will teach you that you are not ready for that NFL Baller’s Chick Life.

2.) Slow down. You wont even have that Honda that you get at 18 no longer than two years. Those Jordans will be re-released over 100 time over your life span.

3.) Speaking of Jordans, don’t give those Jordans to your grandma. She’s not going to wear them and she will only give them to your aunt to mess up. You will not like the 230 price tag to replace them 5 years later.

4.) You are not ready to get out high school. You will dream about it for the next 10 years of your life.

5.) Stop drinking. It will lead you down a path that you will regret

6.) Start a money market account. You make good money to be a teenager with really no bills.

7.) You will not be the breadwinner of your crew always. Stop getting so comfortable with that title.

8.)Continue to pray and pay your tithes. Thank God in all that you do, good or bad!

9.) Let it out. Cry about your grandma’s death. It will haunt you if you don’t.

10.) Maybe your pyschic because I did always know when Brandon Williams would wear that shirt, lolx.

11.) Be sure to truly forgive.

12.) Learn about not burning bridges. You will do that a lot in the next 10 years of life.

13.) Stay funny. People love your randomness!

14.) Stop conforming. You were made to be you for a reason. Yes, your friends love your style but add more of “You” in it.

15.) You will become best friends with a guy that you will meet on Blackplanet. Be sure to treat him right. He would lay down his life for you.

16.) You will not live that Sex in The City lifestyle when you turn 25. That’s why it’s called TV but you will be very pretty. Wait you always have been, lolx.

17.) You will be on a path to being a sucessful blogger. Stay focused.

18.) You will not be a Rad Tech, a Doctor, a hairdresser nor a nurse. You never wanted to do that in the first place.

19.) There’s a 16 year old RB from Philly named Tyler Lepley and he will become a big star. You will admire his work and he will be very nice to his fans!


Thank God for the events that lead to you becoming an actor, Tyler!!!

20.) You will not have the same crew from high school and it’s ok. Growth is always a good thing.

21.) You will become  good friends with Justin Posey so don’t sneer your nose up at him in the mall. Although yall will fall out again, it goes to show you how life works.

22.) The bag boy at Bilo who your mom calls “Little Fat Cute Chris Brown boy” will someday become your bestfriend. You will call him Stevens! Then he will become your boyfriend and he’ll be your Warren J.  Yall will go through some tough times together but you guys will have fun. You will be one in the same.   Because you two are very immature,you guys will break up but he will have your heart.  He will be one the reasons you start your blog. You will be mad at him for a while but no matter what or why you will love him. Stop pushing him to do stuff. He’s a very intelligent guy, he will get there when he’s ready. It will be hard but try to be his friend, love him, forgive him and GIVE HIM SPACE. A 24 year old you won’t get that but I think a 28 year old you will. Oh and don’t try to beat up his new girlfriend. Although she puts mini hits on your life , lolx, she’s not worth it.  Plus we need her able to see, she will stalk your blog and make your view count go up. Let them be happy. Hopefully you and him can figure something out, someday. I will keep you posted lolx.

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You hate dogs but you will grow to love King too. He was your baby. King is the dog in the picture.

23.) Opal McKnight will show up at your job when you become a Retail Banker and keep you laughing.  Especially when you need it the most.


*Oh yea, despite the fact that you will hate that job, you will meet some of the greatest co workers ever! Rhonda’s one of them

24.) You will love seeing Allison Laudermilk. Yes yall may not be cool now but you guys were besties in 9th and 10th grade. She’s a very good person!

25.) You will finally realize the reason you kept falling out with a certain person. It’s not meant for you guys to be friends.

26.) Little Jimmy in the Wheelchair will grow up to be  Drake! You knew he was cute for a reason.


27.) Don’t stress. You are where you are for a reason. Remember that God has control and you just play the part! Oh and don’t worry that guy in the blue car likes black girls. You two will become good friends.

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28.) You will have one of the biggest crushes on your God Brother Varian’s big brother that you never knew he had. You will meet him when you work for Woodforest and you will find out he thought you were beautiful at first glance. His name is Christopher. See you don’t have a thing for all Brandons. Side note you will learn how small the world really is. One of your good friends, Brandon Wideman is Tre’s brother. Tre took you to the prom at 17! Oh and he will steal your prom picture btw!

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29.) Fred is wrong! Chanity is not crazy, lolx. Infact she will date another one of your bestfriends and you two will become best friends. Oh and your predictions were correct. Fred did become rich! Shameless plug is his site!


My bestie is so pretty!!!!

30.) Your dad will finally admit to you, at 27, that he has another child and he will tell you why he never fessed up to being the kid’s father. Because you are now  a mother and an adult you will understand why he did it. You will immediatley forgive him and actually empathize with him. You will understand that the secert has eatten him alive all these years and that he isn’t such a bad guy after all! He still gets on your nerves at times but hey thats life.

What are some things that you would tell your younger self 10 years ago? What was some of things that you use to do that you grew out of?

Oh and My “Black Album Memory” that I told JayZ about was my graduation. Quick Story: At my graduation, hands up to the BHP class of  2004, they do not let you clap for the graduate after their name is called. Instead, they give you  about a minute before the first diploma is recieved to scream and holler. So In the mist of screaming I hear someone say “Thank You, Thank You! You’re far too kind!” If your a true Hov fan then you will know that is in the beginning of Encore! My friend Pametria Garrett and I busted out laughing so hard. Guess what  Metri, it was my mama who was screaming that! I found that out last year.


My mama is so pretty too!!!

Also I want to thank fellow blogger @MAYAOFFICIALLY of for inspiring me to write this post! She wrote a post that I will link here: To Live In Detail that is similar to my post. Except she’s way cooler! Be sure to like comment and subscribe to her! She’s pretty and she blogs. What other reason do you need?

MC:Relationships After 25: Social Media Break Ups Are The Way To Go?

Mommy's Corner, parent family fashion



Hey guys! How are you all doing today? I am watching In The Heat Of The Night. Well it’s watching me. I’ve seen this episode literally over  100 times in my lifetime!  Anyways, did you guys catch the first episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta? I must raise both hands and say I did. I will admit, I did skip out on the rest of Black Girls Rock for it. I will do a separate post on that later.

So during the first episode of RHOA, we got to get a glimpse of what went down in Porsha and Kordell’s divorce. I forgotten  that  he announced the divorce on Twitter. Before I go in and let have on that fact let me just say that Twitter is now the devil on RHOA. Three villains of the night Walter, Kordell and Twitter! Ok now back to the subject at hand. I made the remark that Twitter breakups are always the best. I said this because, really what adult breaks up with someone on social media or even text message. Well here’s the sad fact, a lot.  It’s the new age “Dear John Letter” minus the privacy. If you don’t know what one is, let me know and I will do another post explaining it. Technology is a tool that is  ruining and helping us, as people at the same time. Relationships are never going to be the same, in my opinion.

How So?

With technology, we have the option to make less time for each other face to face. Let’s be honest, I have some people I went to high school with that I haven’t seen in over 10 years but I can tell you everything about them due to social media. So why should I spend money to go to reunion when I already know all that I need to know. You are a part of the world without leaving home, basically. Well its the same concept with relationship issues and problems. Why risk losing an argument in person or letting someone see your vulnerability when you can just  write it out in the comforts of your own home?  The purpose of technology is to make our lives faster and eaiser, right?

Was Kordell Wrong?

Hell yes he was wrong!  First off, Porsha asked him if he was going to divorce her. He had his chance right there to say “Yes, because..”. Instead he left out for the day and tweeted about it. Second off, he is an older man; he could have sat down an talked it out. Third, even if he was scared of Porsha’s reaction, he could have just wrote her an old school “Dear John” letter. It would have been a queen move but at least she would have had her privacy. He just should have had more respect for her as a person, an adult, a woman and as his wife!  I guess when James Ingram said that there’s no easy way to break somebody heart  he hadn’t met Kordell. Now to be fair to Kordell, I want to hear what made him do that? It has to be more to this story. Yes it’s still wrong but I would love to know his logic behind it.


What are your thoughts on the whole social media break up thing? What was your thoughts on last night’s episode of  Real Housewives of Atlanta?



Of Course none of these picutres are mine. I dont know these folks, lolx.

Letter 14: Somebody Loves You Baby!

31 Letters To My Future Husband, The Challenge




Dear Future Husband,

Hey! How are you today? I hope that you are doing great! If not, then hopefully by the end of this post you will be!  Today is day 14 of the letter writing challenge. I don’t want to say much except for I love you! I wanted to include Patti LaBelle‘s 90’s hit “Somebody Loves You Baby” because this song brings a smile to my face.  I think maybe  I always smile when I hear it because it reminds me of that time my friend Amy and I prank called people playing this song in the background, lolx. Either way, I love you.


Love Your Future Wife,

Courtney (Insert Your Last Name Here)

Letter 13: Young and Beautiful!

31 Letters To My Future Husband



Dear Future Husband,

Hey. How are you doing today? I hope that your day has been going good! If not then I hope that will be after this letter. So, today is day 13 of the letter writing challenge. I wanted to ask favor of you. I want you to always promise to let me know that you love me always. When my looks start to fade and my  many many bones aches please remind me how much you love me!  I think that Lana can do a better job of singing what I am trying to say. Plus, now I have a new excuse to play this song!


Love Your Forever Young and Beautiful Future Wife,

Courtney( Insert Your Last Name Here)


Letter 10: I’m Late.

31 Letters To My Future Husband


Dear Future Husband,

Hey! How are you? I hope not freaked out by this title, lolx.  Who knows by the time your reading this letter I may be? Hmm, lolx. Anyways, it’s really day 12 of the letter writing challenge but guess who has been slacking the last two days, this girl! This is a problem that I have struggled with all of my life, being on time for things. I hope that by the time you read this letter I will have only gotten better if not rid myself of this bad habit all together. I hope that you will help me to progress. I know that you will help me progess! That’s what love is all about!

Love Your Late Future Wife

Courtney ( Insert Your Last Name Here)


Thought I’d be funny!


Letter 8: Random Talk and Life Goals

31 Letters To My Future Husband


Scene from one of my favorite movies “Mo Better Blues”

Dear Future Husband,

Hey. How is everything going today? I hope that everything is going well for you. If not then maybe this letter will cheer you up! My day has been good. I networked with a lot of new excellent bloggers. You know at this present time, 2013, I love blogging. I hope that by the time you open and read this letter that I will not only still be blogging but that I will have one of the most successful blogs and children’s vintage clothing stores around. If not, then its cool. Long as my path leads me to happiness. If you are reading this then obivously it did, lolx.  Sorry that this letter is short and random. I still love you!

Love Your Future Wife,

Courtney ( Insert Your Last Name Here)


I Have a Big Family Part 1: Meeting The Geers


Hey Guys! I hope that you enjoyed my previous post! Be sure to check out Au$tin and show some support. He is a real sweetheart guys and pure talent! I want to tell you guys a story. Now you guys know LuLuChris58, wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t add a random post here or there. Anyways the story I want to tell you guys is about my family.

My Great Great Grandaddy had a lot of children. I am not sure exactly how many but I know he had a lot. Because of this fact I will say 1/2 of Anderson County and I are related.  This is a fact that I did not know until I became an adult. Giving birth to my own child, I decided that I wanted to meet all of my family members before I left this earth. First I asked my grandma was there such thing as a different set of Geers and she informed me that there is not. The reason that I asked this was because my dad’s last name is Davis and there are over three sets. Next I started to ask everyone with the same last name if we shared similar family members. To my surprise we did. So with all of that being said I want to share a few stories with you guys.

Meeting My Cousin Meka

One day I was in Hammerick’s Department store shopping for my son’s 4th birthday. I was so happy that they had a sale. The gifts were literally last minute. I was feeling so lucky and now looking back I know why. As I stood in the line, I didn’t mind the wait. I’m so impatient but this day I was actually fine with it.  When I finally got to the counter, the Sales Rep was very friendly. She looked at my credit card and asked me “So You’re a Geer too?” I replied “Yes, maam.” We went through the whole checklist and I found out that her dad and my grandma are actually first cousins. We have been friends ever since.

Meeting My Cousin David

I have another cousin named David Geer. So everytime I would describe him to people they would always say “Oh I thought you were talking about the other David Geer.” Well I had to meet him. My meeting with him would be by accident though. I was freshly broken up with my ex Justin and my girls wanted me to remember single life. After attending a bag party, we stopped by Wild Wings to eat. My then friend Cherelle had a bad habit of trying to “hook me up” with guys. Since she hadn’t been able to do it for almost a year, she took her chance with the first guy she seen. It was Jason, a friend of my cousin. I didn’t know it at the time. So I looked over at the table and said “Hey my dude, my homegirl thinks you’re hot” It was my cousin David. After we asked him his name, we got to chatting and I met my cousin.  We have been close ever since.

Meeting My cousin Ree Ree

I hated my job at the bank but I loved to see and help this Woman. She was always so lively and sweet. She never complained or had a bad word to say to my fellow co workers. I kept seeing that we shared the same last name so one day I decided to ask her. We did our normal checkist and found out that we were cousins! I use to love to trip with her and I hated when she decided to stop banking with us. Now I am okay with her decision. I no longer work for that company anymore, lolx.

I have more stories but I am old and I can’t think of them all. If you are a Geer, or you are simply related to me then feel free to tell your story. I will include it in part 2!


Since May of 1987 I have been a part of the Cinco De May Festivities and loved two pieces and rompers.  Just thought you guys would love to know that.

(My first birthday Party)

Letter 6: Today Was A Good Day!

31 Letters To My Future Husband, The Challenge

Dear Future Husband,

Hey! How are you today? I hope that everything is going great. Today is day six of this letter writing campaign! I wanted to stop by and tell you about my October 24, 2013!

So today on LuLuChris58 marked a milestone. I reached 2000 views! I was so happy! My favorite Celeb Crush Tyler Lepley stopped by and congratulated me.  I can only hope that this was an epic day for you as well! If not, then guess what today will be more than grand because



More than you know!

Love Your Future Wife,

Courtney (Insert Your Last Name Here)

MC: Relationships After 25: Can You Turn A Trick Into a Treat?

Mommy's Corner, Uncategorized

So I am sure that we are all familiar with that good old pharase that our parents taught us “You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.” Well I acutally learned that from the Dogg Pound but thats another story. Back on pace, we are always taught as little girls that we needed to watch ourselves because no man wants to buy the cow when he can get the milk for free. I will say that I didn’t always listen to my mama and I find myself wishing that I had. Then I look at the rock on Kim K’s hand and say is there hope?


So are we to throw out the old “Respect Yourself” motto and do what ever it takes to get to the top? Is Steve Harvey‘s teaching for the birds now or did Kim K read his book? What are your thoughts guys? So in the spirit of the holidays I would love to know can you turn a trick into a treat?



*Now in  all fairness, I have always said thank God for change, you never know the whole story until you’ve lived it and everyone has that someone for them!  We make a lot of jokes about Kim K and other women such as Amber Rose calling them the unthinkable at times  but we do not know the whole picture of these women’s lives.  These women could be potrayed in the media as something that they are not.*

Anyways, Sweet Baby LeBron look at that ring!



MC: Relationships After 25: Love Is Stronger Than Pride?

Mommy's Corner

love is

Cover of "Stronger Than Pride"

Cover of Stronger Than Pride



One of my favorite songs comes from the 1980’s breakout artist Sade from her album “Stronger Than Pride“. The song is called “Love Is Stronger Than Pride.” Listening to this song as a child, a teenager and early into my adulthood, I never really paid attention to the words. I just knew that Sade had this backup singer that made that song hot! I listened to the song in 2011 one night when it randomly came on Pandora and the words hit me like a ton of bricks. So I had to stop by and ask the question is love stronger than pride?

There’s a part in the song that says ” I can’t hate you, although I have tried!” I think that when the love is true, no matter how hard you try to forget that person or the world tells you that you’re a fool for still being in love with that person, you can’t run from your heart. Lying to yourself, replacing the one you love with someone else only works for so long.  Trust me, I know, lolx/

Is Love Really Stronger Than Pride?

What do you guys think? Is Sade right?  Comment below!