Birthday OOTD: Cinco De Mayo Simplicity 

What she wore, What She Wore/ OOTD


Vintage Denim Gap Jacket: Thrifted

Vintage Tribal Fish Print Dress: Thrifted 

Gladiator sandals: TJ Maxx 

Quilted Bag: Thrifted 

Hair: review here

Yesterday was my birthday!!! I turned 29 years old! I work a full time job along side being a blogger and a home based business owner. I was really drained and I wasn’t going to do anything for my birthday. I finally realized that I was born on the best holiday ever, so the least I could do was partake in some of the festivities. 

I wanted to rock something that I haven’t worn In any ootd but still be comfortable. 

So what did you guys do for Cinco De Mayo? Not only did I eat some wonderful Mexican dishes, I went shopping! I have a birthday haul coming soon!!!!

Birthday OOTD..Cinco De Mayo Chic

Files of Style, Mommy's Corner, parent family fashion, What she wore, What She Wore/ OOTD

Last night was my birthday! I turned the big 28 and I must say that I enjoyed myself to the max. I had a simple celebration with a few of my girls! Well you know I can’t go with out sharing my outfit with you guys.


My shirt is from a local department store in my area called Hammericks. My faux leather skater skirt is from EBay. I purchased it for only 6.00 from an overseas seller. My pumps are Sam and Libby. The heel has spikes on it. They were a clearance special from Target. My head wrap is just a scarf that I purchased from my local thrift store. The hair is still the TD hair.
I feel that I am somewhat becoming good at this beatface movement. To achieve my look I use most drug store products. Let me know if you guys would like a step by step and list of the items! ( I’m not a professional at all)


Just thought I’d throw in this pic of my girls! They were snatched too❤️

New Kinds of Talent: IceJJFish Daniel Mcloyd

LuLuNews, Mommy's Corner, parent family fashion, Pay It Forward, Uncategorized


So I know you guys have been seeing the videos floating around from a guy named IceJJFish or Daniel Mcloyd! Wait, what you haven’t? Well never fear I have some to share with you here! Before I share them I want to just talk a little bit about Mr.Mcloyd and I how I found out about the viral sensation.

One day someone, who shall remain nameless..Chanity, shared a video on my timeline. Now most of the time when someone shares a video, the person has some type of vocal ability. Not always Beyonce  but hey we can only have one Queen Bey! Btw it’s JayZ‘s birthday. Happy Bday Hov! Anyways, back to the video. So I tapped on the video and received the shock of my life.  This guy was interesting. He had made my day. I had to watch more. I subscribed to his YouTube channel a month ago when he was at 6,000 views. Now he’s at 20,000. Just like Sharkeisha, Mcloyd has WorldStar Hip Hop to thank for helping him to become somewhat of a household name. 

He even has covers of his music!!!! Hey he’s doing something right?

Despite the overflow of tone deaf, pain staking, but yet sometimes funny singing in each video, there’s a something about the songs that he have written that keeps them stuck in your head. His Itunes hit “On the Floor” has been a favorite of many since he debuted it on his  YouTube channel. Love him or hate him, you can not deny this man has some type of star quality.

How do you guys feel about the new star? Hey I want to say that if you need a Stylist Daniel, hit me up.

Buy “On the Floor” here

Follow Daniel Mcloyd here

Follow His YouTube here

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Drake The Type Of N*#^a That: Has A Birthday Today!



Join me as I scream at the top of my lungs to my first celebrity crush Mr OVOXO, The one and only Champange Papi and Baby Ralph Tresvant Happy Birthday! Welcome to 27!


You know we can’t leave with out showing a bicep pic! Lolx before there was my original first love and my second celebrity crush, there was Drake! Yes all of these guys look alike, lolx.

Happy Birthday Drake!

Love Courtney( Not the one from Hooters)

For those of you young kids who has no idea of who Ralph Tresvant is or if that joke went way over your head:


Good Morning Post! Happy Birthday Brandi!

diy, parent family fashion, random

Hey Guys! How is the morning going for you guys? I hope that its going well for you all!

First I want us all to start the morning out by telling one of my favorite customers Brandi Myers- Jones HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It has to be the coolest thing as a parent to have your child’s birthday in the same month as yours! She is one of the most sweetest and stylish people you would and could ever meet! Happy Birthday Girl and I wish you many more!!!🎀🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


I also want to tell you all that we are 12 views past our goal, so it is giveaway time! Yes, that’s right! Every time I say “that’s right”, I feel compelled to say it in my Chris Rock voice from Kanye West’s “Blame Game” from his 2010 hit album “My Dark Twisted Fantasy”! That’s one of my favorite Kanye albums but that’s neither here nor there. Back to this giveaway! I still don’t know what I want to give away just yet but here are the rules!

1.) You must follow LuLuChris58 on the following:
Etsy( Now I know everyone doesn’t have an Etsy so this is not a requirement)
Twitter( This can be in conjunction with all of the others or sub for the Etsy)

2.)Comment on this post. If there is any problem with commenting then just comment on my picture of the giveaway sign for your entry. You can comment anything.

3.) And that’s it. It’s that simple!

I still need ideas on what to giveaway! So feel free to leave those below or on any of my social networking sites!

You all know I can’t leave without asking you all what are the plans for today? Is the sun beaming in your town? You guys know that it’s Tuesday and that equals Law and Order marathon! Need I say more! Enjoy your Tuesday guys! Til next post ✌duces and🙏 truces!!!

Happy Cinco De’s my birthday

diy, parent family fashion, random

Hey guys! Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! Also it’s my birthday!!!! I’m still sick😞😞😞😞. Hopefully, I can get some work done and do some visiting today. It’s so rainy and wet here but it’s cool..we will work with it. I seen a quote yesterday and it said if you love life, it will love you back. So, with that being said, a little bit of rain and a cold cant stop me from finding some kind of way to enjoy this day. Also, I’m on the hunt for really cool thrifted piece for my Lulu Chris 58. An Ode to the 90s kids Lolx. Anyways if you guys have any ideas let me know.







